5 ways that watching Porn DESTROYS
your Brain and Body
1. Erectile Dysfunction
Watching Pornography, your
sex drive and interest for a
real woman will decrease
83% of the Erectile
Dysfunction in the world
aren't due to Old Age, it's
because of Watching
2. Limited Testosterone
Forty meals make a drop of
blood, 40 drops of blood
make a drop of bone marrow,
40 drops of bone marrow
make a drop of semen...
Imagine what you're losing.
3. Decreased Productivity
When you're watching
Pornography, it gives off a lot of
Dopamine, which feels good
When you're studying/working or
doing any daily life activities it
may seem boring.
4. Depression
When you're watching
Pornography you're Isolating
yourself more frequently and
you're feeling depressed after
each relapse
This will lead to an
Unsatisfactory life and
Unproductive lifestyle.
5. Your connection with God
Better concentration while
praying due to less Brain
Reduced dirty thoughts
while praying this allows
you to focus during prayers.
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