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What is Hell?


What is Hell?

Who is Hell created for?
Hell is the abode which Allaah (ﷻ) has prepared for those who
do not believe in Him (ﷺ), those who rebel against His (ﷺ)
laws and disbelieve in His Messengers. It is the punishment for
His (ﷺ ) enemies, the prison for evildoers.
It is the ultimate humiliation and loss;
there is nothing worse:
"Our Lord! Verily, whom You admit to the Fire,
indeed, You have disgraced him, and never will the
Dhaalimoon [polytheists and wrongdoers] find any
helpers" (Quran 3:192)
"Know they not that whoever opposes and shows
hostility to Allah and His Messenger, certainly for
him will be the fire of Hell to abide therein? That
is extreme disgrace". (Quran 9:63)
The losers are those who will lose themselves
and their families on the Day of Resurrection.
Verily, that will be a manifest loss!"
(Quran 39:15)
Let's learn about Jahannam so it acts as a deterrent whenever
we get tempted to sin.

The Gates of Hell
Allah ﷻ says:
"And surely, Hell is the promised place for them all.
It (Hell, has seven gates, for each of these gates is a
[special class (of sinners] assigned". (Quran 15:43-44)
"The unbelievers will be led to Hell in crowds until,
when they arrive there, its gates will be opened.
(Quran 39: 71)
To them will be said, "Enter you the gates
of Hell to dwell therein. And how evil is this
abode of the arrogant.' (Quran 39: 72)
The Levels of Hell
There are variations in the degrees of heat in Hell, and in
the levels of punishment which Allah st has prepared for
its inhabitants; there is not just one level. As Allah says:
"For all there will be degrees [or ranks]
according to what they did" (Quran 6:132)
"Verily the hypocrites will be in the lowest
depths (grade] of the Fire" (Quran 4:145)

The Stern Angels of Hell
Standing over Hell are mighty and stern
angels who never disobey Allah subhaanahu
wa taala. They do whatever He commands
them, as Allaah subhaanahu wa ta'ala
"O you who believe! Save yourselves and your families from
a Fire whose fuel is men and stones, over which are (appointed]
angels stern [and] severe, who flinch not [from executing]
the Commands they receive from Allah, but do precisely
what] they are commanded."
(Quran 66:6)
The Names of Hell
Jahannam: This name implies a deep pit.
Jahim: A blazing fire.
Sair: An ignited or kindled fire.
Saqar: It is given this name because of the intensity of its heat.
Lazà: blazing flames.
Häwiya: a deep drop, like someone being dropped
from the top to the bottom of a deep place.
Hutama: Debris and broken pieces, because it crushes
and breaks everything that is thrown into it.

The Drinks of the people of Hell
There will be four kinds of drink that
the people of Hell have to endure:
(1) al-Hameem: an extremely hot water.
"They will be given to drink from a boiling hot spring."
(Quran 88:5
(2) al-Ghassaaq/al-Ghasleen: Which is the festering pus that
oozes out of the skin of the people of Hell.
"So no friend has he here this Day; Nor has he
any food except corruption or filth from the
washing of wounds (al-Ghasleen], which none
do eat but those in sin". (Quran 69:35-37)
(3) al-Sadeed (pus): Which flows from the flesh and skin of the
The Prophet age said, "Anyone who drinks intoxicants
will be made to drink the mud of khabaal (sweat
or juices of the people of hell). Sahih Muslim
(4) al-Muhl: The Prophet kg said: "It is like boiling oil, and when
it is brought near a person's face, the skin of the face falls off into
it". Ibn 'Abbaas said, "It is like very thick oil". (Ahmad & Tirmidhi)

 The Food of the people of Hell
The food of the people of hell is described as only
increasing in torment. It does not provide nourishment
nor does it relieve hunger.
"No food will there be for them but a bitter Dare obnoxious
thorny plant, which will neither nourish nor satisfy hunger".
(Quran 88:6-7)
"Verily the tree of Zaqqum will be the food of the
sinful, like molten brass, it will boil in their insides,
like the boiling of scalding water."
(Quran 44:43-46).
Some of the sinners will be fed the
burning coals of Hell as an appropriate
"Those who unjustly eat up the property of
orphans, eat us a Fire into their own bellies,
and they will soon be enduring a blazing Fire!"
(Quran 4:10)
"Those who conceal Allah's revelations in
the Book, and purchase for them a miserable
profit - swallow into themselves naught
but Fire
" (Quran 2:174)

Hell is vast, huge and immensely deep
Those who will enter Hell are innumerable, yet one of
them will be so huge that his molars will be as big as
Mount Uhud, and the distance between his shoulders
will be equivalent to three days walking. Nevertheless,
Hell will accommodate the huge number of Kuffaar
and evildoers who have existed throughout history.
Allah says in the Qur'aan:
"On the Day when We will say to Hell: "Are you filled?" It
will say: "Are there any more to come?" (Quran 50:30)
Indication of its vast depth is the fact that a stone thrown
from the top of Hell takes seventy years to reach the
bottom. (Sahih Muslim)
The great number of angels who will bring
Hell forth on the Day of Resurrection.
The Prophet Eye said, "Hell will be brought forth that
Day by means of seventy thousand ropes, each of which
will be held by seventy thousand angels." (Muslim 6810)
The sahaba heard a terrible sound. Thereupon Allah's
Apostle (k) ) said: Do you know what (sound) is this?
That is a stone which was thrown seventy years before
in Hell and it has'been constantly slipping down and
now it has reached its base. (Muslim 6813)

Various punishments in Hell that are mentioned
(1) The Punishment of the People of
Hell Will Vary in Degree
The lightest punishment is explained by the Prophet ty "The
person who will have the least punishment among the people of
Hell on the Day of Resurrection will be a man under the arch of
whose feet will be placed a smouldering ember, and his brains
will boil because of it." (Sahih Muslim).
(2) Roasting of the Skin
"Those who reject Our Signs, We shall soon cast them into
the Fire. As often as their skins are roasted through, We
shall change them for fresh skins, that they may taste the
penalty. For Allah is Exalted in Power, All-Wise" (Quran
(3) Melting
. then as for those who disbelieve, garments of fire will be
cut out for them, boiling water will be poured down over their
heads. With it will melt or vanish away what is within their
bellies, as well as [their] skins". (Quran 22:19-20)
(4) Scorching (the face)
And if any do evil, their faces will be thrown headlong
into the Fire; "Do you receive a reward other than
that which you have earned by your deeds?"
(Quran 27:90)
(5) Dragging and blackening of faces
"Truly those in sin are the ones straying in mind, and
mad. The Day they will be dragged through the Fire
on their faces [they will hear]:"
"Taste the touch of Hell."
(Quran 54:47-48)
(6) The Night Fire Will Leap Up Over Their Hearts
When Thaabit al-Bananee read about this ayah, he said,
"The Fire will burn them until it reaches their hearts, while
they are still alive; this is how great their suffering is!" Then
he wept." (at-Takhweef min an-Naar, p.146)
(7) Their entrails will be spilled out in the Fire
A man will be brought forth on the Day of Resurrection and thrown
into the Fire. Then his entrails will be spilled out into the Fire. The
people of Hell will gather around a man and say,
"O So-and-so,
what is wrong with you? Did you not enjoin us to do good and
forbid us to do evil?" He will say, "I used to order you to do good,
but I did not do it, and I used to forbid you to do evil, but I used to
do it." (Sahih Bukhari)
(8) They  Chains, Fetters and Hammers of the People of Hell
And for them are hooked rods of iron [to punish them]. Every
time they seek to get away therefrom, from anguish, they will
be driven back therein, and it will bej said to them: "taste the
torment of burning!" (Quran 22:21-22)

Nothing in this World is worth going to Hell for
No pleasure and no sin is worth going to hell
for. Allah is the most Merciful but He is also
the most just. And His justice is perfect.
According to a Hadith, just a dip in Hell fire makes one forget
the life-long pleasures that one had so imagine being there
for a period of time when a day is equivalent to years and
there is no respite, fire from all sides.
How can we sell our deen for this duniya which
is temporary and risk going to Hell fire (even if
it is for a period of time) and face the horrors?
But there is hope for all of us. If you sincerely repent all your
sins are forgiven. Allah says in a Hadith Qudsi that even if
your sins reached up to the sky and you repent, then all your
sins are forgiven.
The Messenger of Allah (ﷻ) said: "Whoever asks Allahﷻ Paradise
three times, Paradise says: 'O Allah, admit him into Paradise', and
whoever seeks refuge from the Fire three times, the Fire says: 'O
Allah, save him from the Fire." (Tirmidhi 2572 Sahih)

اللَّهُمَّ أَجِرْنِي مِنَ النَّارِ
Allahumma Ajirni minan naar (say 3 times)
May Allah forgive us our sins and give us the Hidayah to do deeds
that can bring about His Mercy and save us from Hell fire. Aameen


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