ghusl is obligatory for both males and females after having a wet dream
A wet dream refers to nocturnal
emission or discharge that is
associated with an erotic dream
i.e of sexual feelings or desires.
It is natural and more common
in men than women; and a form
of releasing water (discharge)
and sexual energy from the body.
Umm sulaym came to the Prophet ft
"O Messenger of Allah, Allah is not
too shy to tell us the truth. does a woman
have to do ghusl (purification bath) if she
has a wet dream? 'the prophet tilt said:
"yes, if she sees water (a discharge after
the dream) "Umm salamah covered her
face and said.
"o messenger of Allah can
a woman have an erotic dream?
He said: "yes, may your hands be rubbed
with dust (an arabic expression). how
else would her child resemble her ?
Refrence: Sahih Muslim 313
Wet dreams are natural and there
is no sin or shame on one who
has them. The prophet salaallahu
alayhi wasalaam said, "The pen
has been lifted from three: from
the one who is sleeping until he
wakes up, from the child until he
reaches the age of puberty, and
from one who is insane until he
comes to his senses
Refrence: Sunan At-Tirmidhi 1343
Additionally, for Females the
discharge has to be certain i.e
she must be certain that she had a
wet dream (usually accompanied
by an orgasm and discharge that
is not light, unlike other hormonal
Allah has created desire in man
and He has commanded His slaves
to use this energy in the proper
manner, which is marriage for those
who can afford it, in order to attain
worldly interests such as building
families, strengthening society and
populating the earth according to
the laws of Allaah.
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